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Introduction - Which Gospel?

Many believers in Jesus Christ are of the opinion that there is only one gospel. I have discussed this with believers and almost all are of that opinion. It may come as a surprise to bible students to realize that the gospel that the Apostle Paul preached was not the same one that the twelve Apostles preached. The Apostle Paul’s unique calling by God came into effect because of the failure of the nation of Israel to believe the Kingdom gospel that the 12 Apostles taught. The 12 Apostles preached to the people of Israel in the land of Judea, but Paul was sent to the countries outside of Judea with a different gospel.

Before you conclude that there cannot be two gospels, in all fairness, read these articles. Then you will, in good conscience, either accept or reject this analysis.
The gospel that God commissioned Paul to proclaim brings to us glorious revelations of God’s truth that was not known prior to Paul’s calling. It is for us today.


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